Namninsamling för Patrik Kittel

  Efter att den svenske dressyrryttaren Patrik Kittel fått utstå otrevliga påhopp och hot efter framridningen under Odense-meetinget har nu en namninsamling startat. Läs gärna också tidigare inlägg om debatten.

We support the decisions made by FEI officials present at the schooling session of Patrik Kittel on Scandic at Odense CDI. We believe that welfare of the horse was not compromised in this schooling session.

We support the research already sponsored and presented by FEI into the technique known as hyperflexion.
We hope the FEI realizes that many people who train ,ride ,compete horses and love top sport do not see abuse in the videos of Kittel and Scandic in the schooling session at Odense.
The horse is not tense, has not a drop of sweat on him, is obviously not breathing hard nor in any way perturbed by his work in a VERY crowded warm-up arena.
We think Kittel is doing an acceptable job to handle a young breeding stallion in such conditions.

We do find it offensive that manipulation, misrepresentation and inaccuracy have been used to vilify one individual.

Skriv på namninsamlingen här

Huruvida han bör frias från anklagelserna låter jag vara osagt, däremot står jag helt klart i att ingen bör behöva utstå de hot och påhopp han fått göra.


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